231 - Pt. 1 - The Son (CC)

If you’re a new listener of our show and -especially- if you like Florian Zeller’s THE SON, you might want to skip Contrarians Corner. Zeller’s follow-up to his critically acclaimed The Father was a bust with critics and audiences - which means Alex & Julio will do their best to find things to praise within it and hopefully be funny along the way… but this is a movie about Hugh Jackman trying to help his suicidal teenage son so, you know. For Contrarians fans only.

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230 - Pt. 2 - Green Room (RT)

It’s such a shame that Jeremy Saulnier didn’t continue color-coding his movie titles. But how do we really feel about GREEN ROOM, and is it possible to even enjoy it in a world where white supremacists and their allies keep popping up on headlines? And how about that Patrick Stewart guy, huh? Does he have a future in acting? This and more - including an obvious lament at Anton Yelchin’s passing - in this Real Talk segment.

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230 - Pt. 1 - Green Room (CC)

Ah, the long gone days of 2015. When white supremacists were a little more coy about their activities and actually tried to cover them up when things got too bad. GREEN ROOM pits the dumbest punk band alive (not for long) against the most British American neo-nazi you can find and the results were celebrated by the Tomatometer to the tune of a 90% score. Listen to Alex & Julio try to make sense of this multiverse Picard Vs Chekov battle!

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229 - Pt. 1 - Halloween: Resurrection (CC)

We can’t really quote any of Busta Rhymes’ iconic HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION lines because they could get this blurb censored. But trust us, they are just one of the many reasons to celebrate Michael Myers’ foray into reality TV. Critics, boring as they can be, slapped a 10% Tomatometer score on the movie, not that any true fan cares. Listen to Alex & Julio as they argue against that rating and add one more step to their Haddonfield Nights journey!

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