Bonus! - Camille (2008)

You may think you know James Franco’s career… but there’s a good chance you haven’t even heard of the Sienna Miller vehicle, CAMILLE. Alex and Julio are joined by Eddie Strait as they analyze the most bizarre film they might have encountered in their careers as Contrarians! Listen to them argue against the three rotten reviews they were able to dig up from the Tomatometer! Worry about the true fate of David Carradine and his multicolored horses! Wish for actual gifs of Scott Glenn’s facial expressions! It’s the only way we could follow-up the WATCHMEN episode, really.

Also: UNCUT GEMS spoilery talk after Real Talk is done!

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100 - Watchmen (2009)

One hundred episodes!* Listen to Alex and Julio celebrate this milestone by arguing about a movie and a filmmaker that have been constantly brought up on the show: the WATCHMEN adaptation from “Visionary Director” Zack Snyder! At 64% on the Tomatometer, it’s yet another Gray Area battle, one encompassing Snyder’s playlist, the way he shoots violence and, of course, his use of Leonard Cohen’s talents!

*Not counting all those bonus eppys, obviously.

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Bonus! - Prometheus Commentary

PROMETHEUS has been brought up so many times on the show, it only made sense to do a commentary for it as a prelude to The Contrarians’ 100th episode. Listen to Alex and Julio chat their way through Ridley Scott’s divisive return to the Aliens franchise and try to make sense of Michael Fassbender’s intentions! Hear them argue about the quality of Charlize Theron’s performance! Share their frustration at the awesome sequel that never happened! Also: a fair amount of squeamish low-key screaming.

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99 - Avengers: Endgame

Let’s start 2020 by tackling the biggest movie of 2019! AVENGERS: ENDGAME is like the rich bully at the playground, walking around like they’re the greatest thing ever, making up their own rules to every game and refusing to stop even after everyone else has had enough and is crying. Listen to Alex and Julio poke fun at the MCU’s temporary climax before they engage in the longest and most divisive Real Talk yet!

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98 - Mute

You know how the worst part of Film Noir is the cheesy over stylized dialogue? Duncan Jones figured out a way around that! Unfortunately, critics had trouble dealing with an Amish detective who can’t speak and so the Netflix Original Movie, MUTE, was deemed rotten. Listen to Alex, Julio and Netflix expert Dan Brenic (from the Netflix ‘N Swill podcast) extol the virtues of this true spiritual sequel to Bladerunner! Be ready for lots of gushing over Paul Rudd’s new villainous attitude and mustache! And oh man, the SECRETS Justin Theroux is keeping, babe!

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97 - Adventureland

If ADVENTURELAND is to be believed, there was a point in Greg Mottola’s life where he was hooking up with two gorgeous girls despite looking and acting like a standard Jesse Eisenberg character. Welcome to ADVENTURELAND! A fantasy where all it takes to impress your peers is a bag of tiny joints! A film where Deadpool loses Kirsten Stewart to Mark Zuckerberg! A thinly veiled autobiography fully driven by First World Problems! Listen to Alex and Julio as they break down why this sort of thing was a lot better when someone like Cameron Crowe did it.

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Bonus! - Wes Craven's New Nightmare Commentary

To say this podcast has had a contentious relationship with the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise is putting it mildly. Could that change thanks to Wes Craven’s last hurrah in the series? Listen to Alex, Julio and special guest Reid Lansford as they deliver a running commentary to NEW NIGHTMARE - the remastered super meta revitalization of Freddy Kruger!

And don’t forget to attend the Otherworlds Sci-Fi Film Festival this weekend!

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Bonus! - The Fly (1958)

The Fly? What fly? This movie should’ve been called “The Man Covering His Head With a Jacket”. Listen to Alex and Julio as they ease out of The Autumn of the Remakes by discussing a 50s monster movie classic and discover Canadian scientists are even more irresponsible than American ones! Not just that, but it also turns out that Vincent Price was not above slumming it for cash!

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96 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

Now this is how you do it. If you’re going to dedicate a feature film to mindless carnage, then at least make it look beautiful. Listen to Alex and Julio tackle the stylish 2003 remake of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, a movie that proves it’s a lot easier to enjoy savagery when it’s happening to gorgeous people under a permanent Instagram filter! Is Jessica Biel’s new millennium scream queen the MVP or would R. Lee Ermey take that honor for his powerhouse performance as a guy who definitely doesn’t want you to take his guns? Only one way to find out!

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95 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

There’s no way Texas was ever this bad, even in the 70s. Shame on Tobe Hooper for giving birth to a long running smear campaign against The Lone Star State! Listen to Alex and Julio discuss the most uneventful build-up to the most tasteless carnage ever put on a sensationalistic piece of film! And stick around for Real Talk, where they’ll search for an answer to that universal question… “WHY”.

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