106 - Boyhood

Richard Linklater shot BOYHOOD over the span of 12 years and that was enough to get on the critics’ good side, regardless of how it also takes you 12 years to watch the whole thing. Listen to Alex and Julio as they contrast Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke’s parenting styles, discuss the evolution of Ellar Coltrane into one of those ever-punchable teenagers and lose track of how many pop culture references are thrown around in the movie. And it all takes barely two hours!

(If you aren’t using a podcatcher and can’t play M4As, scroll down to the bottom of the page for a downloadable MP3!)

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105 - The Hangover III

Todd Phillips was gearing up for JOKER much earlier than we could have suspected. The final installment of the groundbreaking Hangover Trilogy takes an unexpected turn into action and adventure in addition to bringing surprising depth to its most cartoonish character. Listen to Alex and Julio as they celebrate the Wolf Pack and the thrills that come with their farewell tour! Learn to appreciate how Bradley Cooper dimmed his inner light for the sake of his co-stars! Relive Ken Jeong’s greatest karaoke hits! All this plus: Blue Velvet feedback!

(If you aren’t using a podcatcher and can’t play M4As, scroll down to the bottom of the page for a downloadable MP3!)

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Bonus! - No Holds Barred

Wrestlemania hasn’t been cancelled, so why would we cancel our Wrestlemania Bonus Episode? Especially when it’s about Hulk Hogan’s feature film debut! Listen to Alex and Julio discuss Hulkamania, Rip-amania, Vince-amania… even some David-Paymer-mania! If you think The Rock is a big deal, brother, you need to look further back to see where it all began! It’s NO HOLDS BARRED!!!

Also: a quick game of “Which Contagion character are you?” inspired by our quarantines.

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Bonus! - Street Fighter

Videogame movies peaked early. It feels like the last 25 years have simply been about trying to achieve what STREET FIGHTER accomplished back in 1994: the best adaptation of a fighting game ever made. Not that the Tomatometer and its critics would know anything about that. Listen to Alex and Julio welcome Billy and Topher from the WE WATCHED A THING podcast to discuss the only movie in film history that gives you the combined powers of Jean Claude Van Damme, Raul Julia and Kylie Minogue!

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104 - Blue Velvet

So, apparently, if your name is David Lynch you can get away with anything. BLUE VELVET makes about as much sense as the ramblings of a drunk film major but it somehow has become a Certified Fresh cult classic. Is it the oxygen masks? The weird sex fetishes? The heavy handed symbolism? Or simply the oddball sex appeal of Kyle McLachlan? Listen to Alex and Julio try to figure it out!

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103 - Michael

John Travolta as a funny angel? You had us at “Travolta”. Unfortunately, critics were a lot less receptive to MICHAEL, yet another unfairly maligned Nora Ephron comedy. Listen to Alex and Julio as they welcome Vincent Vega back to the show and wonder why William Hurt isn’t silly more often! Experience the joy of getting a lot more Robert Pastorelli anyone could’ve wished for! Realize the big loss country music suffered when Andie McDowell decided to pursue acting! All this and Bob Hoskins too!

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102 - Ever After

To all of you complaining about Disney’s “recent” trend of giving classic animated movies the live-action treatment, perhaps you should look back to 1998 and a little ditty called EVER AFTER. Listen to Alex and Julio as they tackle a Drew Barrymore vehicle that did away with all the magic in the Cinderella story. No fairy godmother, no singing mice, no charm in The Prince… but we get Leonardo DaVinci instead??? This is really when it all began to fall apart.

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Bonus! - The Terminator Franchise (Part Two - RT)

Once again, Alex, Julio and special guest Chas Fisher tackle every movie in the Terminator franchise, this time revealing their true feelings about them! Does it get heated? Enough to melt a T-1000! Also, a surprise segment about Terminator videogames! Two hours of Real Talk is why we split this episode in two!

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Bonus! - The Terminator Franchise (Part One - CC)

One franchise. Six movies. A very special returning guest. It doesn’t get more epic than this… so we had to break our TERMINATOR FRANCHISE episode in two! Part one: 1 hour 39 minutes of Contrarians Corner! Listen to Alex, Julio and Chas ‘Draft Zero” Fisher argue against the Rotten Tomatoes score of every Terminator movie and make the case for how it all got better once James Cameron left!

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101 - Duplex

Senior citizens. We think we can live without them but we underestimate them at our own peril. Listen to Alex and Julio discuss Danny DeVito’s forgotten masterpiece, DUPLEX - an incisive analysis of generation clashes! Travel back to a time before Betty White played all the comedic old lady roles! Worry about the lack of intimacy in Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore’s relationship! And feel guilty about picking sides when we should all be striving to get along!

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