154 - Pt. 1 - Knives Out (CC)

What happens when a filmmaker on the rise makes a divisive franchise movie? Well, if the filmmaker is Rian Johnson and the franchise is Star Wars, the poor guy then gets bullied into making a bland crowdpleaser like KNIVES OUT to restore his reputation. And it worked! Listen to Alex & Julio nitpick their way through yet another overhyped entry in that most convoluted of genres, the Whoddunit!

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The Rock Vs. John Cena: Part 3 (A Patreon Sampler)

We’re doing some really cool stuff on our Patreon channel - some of it very different from what we offer on our main feed. Case in point: our Rock Vs. John Cena miniseries, where Alex schools Julio on the epic rivalry between the two pro wrestling superstars. Wanna check it out? Here’s Part 3, sort of a stand-alone episode which focuses on The Summer of Punk and includes a discussion of the surprisingly well-received CM Punk vehicle, GIRL ON THE THIRD FLOOR!

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153 - Pt. 2 - Left Behind (RT)

Let’s get real: we’ve done far worse movies than LEFT BEHIND on this show, and their Tomatometer scores were much higher. But does that make this Nic Cage religious movie a good film, or just one that’s not as bad as, say, Ready to Rumble? Do you experience the rapture differently if you’re familiar with Chad Michael Murray’s career? And does the Kirk Cameron version of this story sound more interesting? Find out during Real Talk!

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153 - Pt. 1 - Left Behind (CC)

How do you score a 0% Tomatometer score when your movie features Nicolas Cage? The answer is obvious: the world isn’t ready for a faith-based blockbuster. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate LEFT BEHIND, a cinematic masterpiece that did the Thanos Snap waaaaaaay before Infinity War! And yes, God is Thanos in this scenario. Listen to Alex & Julio as they geek out over the Chad Michael Murray vehicle they didn’t know they needed!

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Bonus! - Pt. 2 - The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (RT)

So how did we really feel about The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, and do our feelings match those of patron Ryan, who demanded this episode AND sent us a heartfelt email to be read in it? Will the Contrarians finally find common ground with Australian cinema, or is this accidental feud doomed to continue forever? And yes, we do muse about the American remake…

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Bonus! - Pt. 1 - The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert (CC)

Is there a word for “woke humble bragging” in Australia? Or do people just point to old VHS tapes of THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT? Director Stephan Elliot goes above and beyond to tell the world how open-minded the Land of Oz truly is when it comes to charismatic drag queens, but anyone with an internet connection knows reality is much harsher than what this movie’s peddling. Listen to Alex & Julio as they explore the early careers of Agent Smith, General Zod, and Ed Exley!

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152 - Pt. 2 - Moneyball (RT)

So how true is this true story exactly? And did Alex & Julio experience it differently because one is a sports fan and the other one isn’t? (guess who’s who) Listen as The Contrarians level with each other about the points MONEYBALL makes, the ones it doesn’t, and whether this is Jonah Hill’s best performance.

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152 - Pt. 1 - Moneyball (CC)

How many times is Brad Pitt going to fail at portraying a Regular Joe before he realizes it’s just not within his reach anymore? He’s Hollywood MegaStar Brad Pitt! And even if you could get past that bit of fake news in MONEYBALL, you’d still have to deal with Serious Actor Jonah Hill (successfully) grabbing for an Academy Awards nomination. All this while poor Phillip Seymour Hoffman is ignored on the sidelines, and the plot does its best to suck the fun out of sports. Listen to Alex & Julio give this acclaimed Miller/Zaillian/Sorkin collaboration The Contrarians Treatment!

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151 - Pt. 2 - Semi-Pro (RT)

Boy, you thought we were positive in Contrarians Corner? Wait until you hear Alex during Real Talk. Sit back and enjoy the most enthusiastic discussion about Semi-Pro that’s been had… probably since the movie was pitched to studio execs. But can we figure out why it didn’t succeed in the way other Will Ferrell comedies did around that time?

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151 - Pt. 1 - Semi-Pro (CC)

It turns out that basketball isn’t really appreciated in America. How else would you explain SEMI-PRO’s rotten standing among critics? The Will Ferrell vehicle is a perfect celebration of American can-do attitude, loaded with comedic all-stars at the top of their game, and yet… it’s somehow seen as a lesser Ferrell film. Well, Alex & Julio won’t stand for it! Listen to The Contrarians go to bat (or shoot a hoop) for Jackie, Monix, Clarence, and the rest of the gang!

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