Bonus - Pt. 2 - The Suicide Squad (RT)

By now, we know that THE SUICIDE SQUAD was basically James Gunn’s DCEU audition - one that he passed with flying colors. Would we have given him the job though? As you would expect, this Real Talk segment sees Alex struggling with his love for John Cena versus his aversion to movies that run over two hours - plus finally assimilating Margot Robbie’s performance as Harley Quinn. As for Julio, well, he can tell this isn’t as good as Spider-Man 2, but what else can be said about it? Listen to find out!

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Bonus! - Pt. 1 - The Suicide Squad (CC)

We used to wait at least a decade before giving a failed adaptation another shot at being reimagined. Now we pump out remakes, reboots, and requels faster than WB can shelve them. And that’s how we ended up with a SUICIDE SQUAD sort-of-sequel that didn’t even bother to change its title all that much. Listen to Alex & Julio as they try to make sense of James Gunn’s DC cover of Guardians of the Galaxy — and the Harley Quinn short film embedded within!

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192 - Pt. 2 - Erin Brockovich (RT)

So here we are: Julia Roberts finally got her Oscar, three nominations in. But did she get it for the right movie? Would we still be talking about ERIN BROCKOVICH (those of us who still are) if it wasn’t known as Julia’s Oscar Win? And moving past the awards - how does this modern-day fairy tale hold up today, especially when touting it’s a true story? Lots to talk about in this Real Talk segment, and we dive into it all!

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192 - Pt. 1 - Erin Brockovich (CC)

Julia Roberts was due for an Oscar - that much most people would agree on. So in the year 2000, because a rising tide lifts all boats, ERIN BROCKOVICH became a major awards contender. Julia Roberts is the rising tide in this analogy, and the boats are all the other elements that make up Steven Soderbergh’s fairly mediocre biopic. Listen to Alex & Julio as they try to make sense of this alleged true story and, more importantly, of how Aaron Eckhart plays a Harley Davidson biker.

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191 - Pt. 2 - Original Sin (RT)

It’s unavoidable to spend much of this Real Talk segment analyzing the tawdrier aspects of ORIGINAL SIN, but fear not, we also talk about other noteworthy elements in it. Roger Ebert liked this movie, for crying out loud! So what works and what doesn’t in this alleged love story, and how much relevance does desire have in the proceedings? Jolie, Banderas, Jane… is this a triumph for them, regardless of what Rotten Tomatoes says? And is it worth hunting down that unrated edition?

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191 - Pt. 1 - Original Sin (CC)

Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas going at it in an R-rated movie: waaaaaay too much for America’s puritanical film critics. ORIGINAL SIN scored a shocking 12% on the Tomatometer, as if it wasn’t a masterfully crafted adult thriller that also happened to feature some no-holds-barred lovemaking. Listen to Alex & Julio as they discuss the explosive lust triangle at the center of this movie (Thomas Jane is in there too!) and try to figure out the differences between the rated and unrated cuts of Michael Cristofer’s melodrama.

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190 - Pt. 2 - Dawn of the Dead 1978 (RT)

As tempting as it is to spend all of Real Talk comparing and contrasting Romero’s DAWN OF THE DEAD and Snyder’s remake, don’t worry, we manage to take the conversation in other directions. For one, Alex’s surprising disinterest in the zombie genre. For another, Julio’s inability to stop referencing Dead Alive. Does it all add up to a positive score for the OG Zombies-in-a-Mall movie? Listen to find out!

(Btw: the zombie conversation Alex & Julio couldn’t recall was probably the Patreon episode about the Australian horror movie UNDEAD - sorry, Chas!)

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190 - Pt. 1 - Dawn of the Dead 1978 (CC)

Uhhhhh… What is this? Certainly not zombies, we can tell you that much. George Romero’s much-acclaimed undead monsters amount to little more than really disoriented bluish humans. Somehow, this is enough to terrorize people in a mall for over two hours - and also enough for critics to give DAWN OF THE DEAD a fresh 93% Tomatometer score. Listen to Alex & Julio as they yearn for the fast pacing and entertaining characters of the Zack Snyder remake and wonder why the world holds Romero’s creations in such high regard!

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189 - Pt. 2 - Four Brothers (RT)

We are not quite John Singleton neophytes, but we are pretty close anyway. So how do we approach a Singleton flick that has been decried by many as an example of him selling out? How do we feel about the morality of FOUR BROTHERS and its celebration of vigilante justice? Are we overthinking this revenge tale or not giving it enough credit? There’s lots to chew on in this Real Talk segment, including a potential reevaluation of Mark Wahlberg as a leading man. Keyword: “potential”.

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