199 - Pt. 2 - Kill Bill: Volume 1 (RT)

It’s quite a different experience, appreciating KILL BILL: VOLUME 1 as the most recent Quentin Tarantino outing, versus watching it as the fourth of nine movies in his filmography. Has time and an expanded context softened Alex’s stance when it comes to The Bride’s adventures? Has Julio been overrating the first Kill Bill for almost twenty years? Has Chas’ unexpected clash with Tarantino over his writing in Volume 1 soured his take on the movie? Listen to Real Talk to find out!

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199 - Pt. 1 - Kill Bill: Volume 1 (CC)

The fourth film from Quentin Tarantino was a left turn in a career that so far had given us verbose bank robbers, verbose gangsters, and verbose, um, flight attendants turned money launderers? QT zigged by giving us wall-to-wall soulless Uma Thurman action in a homage to the kung-fu movies he watched instead of going to film school. Critics loved it, not caring that it didn’t even have a proper ending. Listen to Alex & Julio, joined by Chas Fisher from Draft Zero, as they give The Contrarians Treatment to KILL BILL: VOLUME 1!

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Bonus! - Pt. 2 - Friday The 13th 2009 (RT)

Well, this episode features two hardcore FRIDAY THE 13TH fans and someone who doesn’t even care for horror movies most of the time. Get ready for some contention now that we are in the Real Talk part of the show! How does each of us react to the idea that maybe the 2009 Jason Voorhees adventure was aimed at potential new fans, so old fans need to calm down? Can we at least agree that Supernatural’s Jared Padalecki and The Flash’s Danielle Panabaker are watchable? Can we at least love Chewie? Listen and find out!

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Bonus! - Pt. 1 - Friday The 13th 2009 (CC)

Can you believe it’s been 15 years since the last FRIDAY THE 13TH theatrical release? Apparently, critics and audiences had issues with an installment of the franchise that actually took itself seriously. Listen to Alex & Julio, joined by Stew from the Stew World Order podcast, as they re-evaluate the battle between Sam Winchester and Jason Voorhees, and praise the much-needed polish of this 26% Tomatometer victim.

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198 - Pt. 2 - Dunston Checks In (RT)

Hey, we are both Seinfeld appreciators. So that should be a starting point with DUNSTON CHECKS IN, right? How do we truly feel about Jason Alexander’s leading man capabilities, especially in the context of a kids movie? And what’s our tolerance level when it comes to Dunston himself? Can our love for the 90s help us connect to this movie or is this Real Talk mostly going to be about how we just don’t get the passionate fandom for this one? Listen and find out!

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198 - Pt. 1 - Dunston Checks In (CC)

As we race toward our 200th episode, it’s time to get into some monkey business. Some 90s Monkey Business even. How many Jason Alexander starring vehicles can you name? How many of them feature an adorable ape as his co-star? Listen to Alex & Julio as they scoff at DUNSTON CHECKS IN’s appalling 17% Tomatometer score! Marvel at Faye Danaway’s career reinvention! Applaud Rupert Everett’s fearless turn as a villain a mere year before he played the ultimate gay best friend in a Julia Roberts movie! It’s all here!

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197 - Pt. 1 - Your Name (CC)

Japanese animation: The Final Frontier! Or at least you would think so, considering how long it has taken The Contrarians to tackle anime on the show. Join Alex & Julio as they travel back to 2016, to pick apart YOUR NAME - a movie celebrated by anyone who has not seen Freaky Friday! Let’s answer the question on everyone’s minds: do you even have to bother if a Japanese animated movie isn’t directed by Hayao Miyazaki?

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Bonus! - Pt. 2 - The Black Dahlia (RT)

Look, Brian De Palma is still making movies. But yes, they are not the Hollywood productions of his heyday. Was his fall from grace inevitable, and, more importantly, deserved? Is THE BLACK DAHLIA as bad as people say? Or in fact, could THE BLACK DAHLIA be actually as good as we said it was in Contrarians Corner? This Real Talk segment dives into those questions and more! (like a quick read of the official FBI report about the case)

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Bonus! - Pt. 1 - The Black Dahlia (CC)

It’s been 17 years since Brian De Palma took a James Ellroy novel, called up emerging superstars Josh Hartnett, Aaron Eckhart, Scarlett Johansson, and Hillary Swank and said, hey, let’s put on a noir show. Critics hated it, audiences avoided it, and De Palma hasn’t made a major studio film since. Listen to Alex & Julio as they rediscover THE BLACK DAHLIA and try to restore its extremely tarnished reputation. Murder, romance, and wall-to-wall movie people dressed like it’s The 40s: what’s not to love?

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