217 - Pt. 2 - Judge Dredd 1995 (RT)

Okay, level with us, Judge Dredd fans: is the hate mostly about the helmet? The Contrarians are barely familiar with the 2000 AD comics, so it's very likely this Real Talk segment won't reflect the feelings of the average Dredd fan. But surely we can find common ground? Surely we can agree that Stallone looks great? And can this movie be judged as a 90s Sci-Fi Flick, separate from its comic book origins?

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217 - Pt. 1 - Judge Dredd 1995 (CC)

Find us a more pitch-perfect casting than Sylvester Stallone's granite jaw as Judge Dredd. Find us a more delightful comic relief sidekick than pre-MAGA Rob Schneider. Find us a hotter cop/lawyer hybrid than Diane Lane. But the Tomatometer didn't care, and it stamped the 1995 JUDGE DREDD adaptation with a rotten 22% score. Listen to Alex & Julio as they celebrate a comic book movie that wasn't afraid to have fun with violence!

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216 - Pt. 1 - Assassin's Creed (CC)

Oh, how the world changes. Back in 2016, the ASSASSIN'S CREED movie was ahead of the curve, taking its source material seriously before people were ready to give video game film adaptations the respect they deserve. Poor Michael Fassbender put in the work to set up an ambitious franchise, and the Tomatometer stamped an 18% score on it. Listen to Alex, Julio, and special guests Nerdbomber & Techtic from the Online Warriors Podcast, as they defend this labor of love!

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215 - Pt. 1 - Pathaan (CC)

Once upon a time, Die Hard was the template for action movies. Die Hard On A Plane. Die Hard On A Train. But we are now in the era of Mission Impossible clones, so PATHAAN is the Hindi version of an Ethan Hunt adventure - a very popular one, at 82% on the Tomatometer. Is the Shah Rukh Khan vehicle worthy of all the praise? Listen to Alex & Julio as they dive into another Indian action blockbuster and try to make sense of the YRF Spy Universe!

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214 - Pt. 1 - Mental (CC)

The moderate success of Confessions of a Shopaholic gave PJ Hogan enough creative wiggle room to go bananas again on his next movie. MENTAL is a clear return to form from a filmmaker who has decided he doesn't care to be embraced by the mainstream. Sadly, critics and audiences were happy to oblige, and this final PJ Party sits with a rotten 44% Tomatometer score, despite reuniting him with Toni Collette. Listen to Alex & Julio go to bat for this adorable Sound of Music homage!

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213 - Pt. 2 - She's Funny That Way (RT)

It's been quite a ride, this journey through almost every Bogdanofilm, and SHE'S FUNNY THAT WAY - a star-studded critical and financial failure - feels like a fitting conclusion to it. As mentioned during Contrarians Corner, it's difficult not to read this as P-Bog very consciously making a farewell movie. But did we like it? And is our opinion influenced by the other movies of his we've watched over the Summer?

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213 - Pt. 1 - She's Funny That Way (CC)

We have reached the end of the road with Peter Bogdanovich. Our final Bogdanofilm is P-Bog's actual final film - and he probably didn't make any more because he got tired of the tepid critical reception to his best work. Listen to Alex & Julio defend the delightful SHE'S FUNNY THAT WAY and bemoan the fact that we didn't get to see the filmmaker work with this generation of actors again.

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