Bonus! - No Holds Barred

Wrestlemania hasn’t been cancelled, so why would we cancel our Wrestlemania Bonus Episode? Especially when it’s about Hulk Hogan’s feature film debut! Listen to Alex and Julio discuss Hulkamania, Rip-amania, Vince-amania… even some David-Paymer-mania! If you think The Rock is a big deal, brother, you need to look further back to see where it all began! It’s NO HOLDS BARRED!!!

Also: a quick game of “Which Contagion character are you?” inspired by our quarantines.

(If you aren’t using a podcatcher and can’t play M4As, scroll down to the bottom of the page for a downloadable MP3!)

PHOTO: Introducing the new Arnie.

PHOTO: Introducing the new Arnie.


00:00:00 - 00:01:15 Intro

00:01:16 - 00:05:55 The Contagion Game

00:05:55 - 00:17:51 Quotes

00:17:52 - 01:06:06 Contrarians Corner

01:06:07 - 01:08:06 Randy Savage & Zeus Promo

01:08:07 - 02:01:20 Real Talk

02:01:21 - 02:11:11 Plugs!


- Alex watched SUPERSTAR: THE KAREN CARPENTER STORY, the best movie ever made with Barbie dolls.

- Julio gave in and fell hard for Netflix’s THE CIRCLE.

- Check out the LIVESTREAM FOR THE CURE website and make sure you mark your calendar so you can support the cause that weekend! Our segment will be Saturday, May 30th at 4pm EST!

- Hans Rothgiesser, the man behind our logo, can be reached at @mildemonios on Twitter or you can email him at in case you ever need a logo (or comics) produced. And you can listen to him talk about Peruvian politics on his own podcast, NACION COMBI. Aaaaand you can also check out all the stuff he’s written on his own website. Don’t know Spanish? He also did a podcast in English called LIVING IN PERU, about immigrants in - where else - Perú. Oh, and as if that wasn’t enough, he has a new zombie novel out, REQUIEM POR LURÍN. Ask him about it!

Up next, we hit THE HANGOVER III - Todd Phillips’ warm-up for Joker, sort of. In the meantime, let us know how you liked No Holds Barred! Do you think it’s better or worse than Ready To Rumble? Are you a Hulk Hogan fan or are his facial expressions just too much? When you see Zeus, do you think Friday or The Dark Knight? E-mail us at or tweet at us or facebook us and share your thoughts!