231 - Pt. 2 - The Son (RT)

Ah, this was so much easier to record than Contrarians Corner. If you wanted to hear us actually engage with The Son’s concerns regarding mental health and parenthood - and how the movie addresses them - well, this is where it happens. But don’t worry, we still throw in the occasional Wolverine joke.

(If you aren’t using a podcatcher and can’t play M4As, scroll down to the bottom of the page for a downloadable MP3!)

PHOTO: Just a happy family of antivaxxers (probably).


00:01:26 Berserker Rage

00:02:21 Real Talk

00:54:57 The Future & Patreon Stuff

- Interested in more Contrarians goodness? Join THE CONTRARIANS SUPPLEMENTS on our Patreon Page! Deleted clips, extended plugs, bonus episodes free from the Tomatometer shackles… It’s everything a Contrarians devotee would want!

- Our YouTube page is live! Get some visual Contrarians delight with our Contrarians Warm-Ups and other fun videos!

- Contrarians Merch is finally here! Check out our RED BUBBLE MERCH PAGE and buy yourself something nice that’s emblazoned with one of our four different designs!

- THE FESTIVE YEARS have been letting us use their music for years now and they are amazing. You can check out their work on Spotify, on Facebook or on their very own website.

- Our buddy Cory Ahre is being kind enough to lend a hand with the editing of some of our videos. If you like his style, wait until you see what he does over on his YouTube Channel.

- THE LATE NIGHT GRIN isn’t just a show about wrestling: it’s a brand, a lifestyle. And they’re very supportive of our Contrarian endeavors, so we’d like to return the favor. Check out their YouTube Channel! You might even spot Alex there from time to time.

- Hans Rothgiesser, the man behind our logo, can be reached at @mildemonios on Twitter or you can email him at mildemonios@hotmail.com in case you ever need a logo (or comics) produced. And you can listen to him talk about economy on his new TV show, VALOR AGREGADO. Aaaaand you can also check out all the stuff he’s written on his own website. He has a new book: a sort of Economics For Dummies called MARGINAL. Ask him about it!

Up next, we pick our next entry from Jordan Manse’s Top 100 movies of all time, and we welcome Billy Wilder back to the show as we tackle SOME LIKE IT HOT! Until then, let us know what you thought of The Son: Is it really a prequel to The Father? Could the cast tell this wasn’t going well as they shot it? Did you have any theories about the French intern? E-mail us at wearethecontrarians@gmail.com or share your thoughts with us on Threads or BlueSky!